01684 234267
Flawless Marquee Service for Warwickshire Clothing at The North Somerset Show

Flawless Marquee Service for Warwickshire Clothing at The North Somerset Show

May 2, 2024

Providing a marquee for Warwickshire Clothing at The North Somerset Show was an exercise in precision and professionalism. Our longstanding contract with Warwickshire Clothing mandates delivering consistent, high-quality marquee services at various events, which ensures that their brand is represented beautifully and effectively, no matter the location.

Event Preparation

Preparations for The North Somerset Show began well in advance. Coordination with Warwickshire Clothing ensured that we were fully briefed on their specific requirements for this event. Our familiarity with their needs and expectations streamlined the planning process, enabling us to focus on delivering a flawless setup.

Efficient Installation: A Day Before the Event

Our installation process is designed to be efficient and minimally disruptive. Here’s a breakdown of how we manage to set up the marquee within a day:

  • Site Assessment: Early in the morning, our team arrived at the venue for a final site assessment, ensuring the location was optimal for visibility and foot traffic, while also confirming that the ground conditions were suitable for a safe installation.
  • Marquee Assembly: Leveraging our experience and the familiarity of working with the same structure for Warwickshire Clothing, we swiftly erected the marquee. The framework, coverings, and anchoring systems were all deployed efficiently, benefiting from our team’s well-honed procedures.
  • Interior Arrangement: Once the structure was secure, we proceeded to arrange the interior. This included the strategic placement of elegant furniture, the meticulous setting up of lighting to highlight Warwickshire Clothing’s products, and the installation of custom display units that aligned with the brand’s sophisticated image.
  • Safety and Aesthetics Check: Final checks ensured that every aspect of the marquee not only met safety standards but also the aesthetic expectations of our client.

Post-Event Breakdown

After the show concluded, our team returned to dismantle the marquee. This process is as streamlined as the setup:

  • Organised Dismantling: We carefully dismantled the structure, preserving all materials and equipment for future use. This approach not only maintains the quality of our marquees but also aligns with our sustainability efforts.
  • Site Restoration: Ensuring that the site was left in excellent condition is a priority, as we aim to maintain good relationships with event venues and respect the environment.

Ongoing Commitment to Excellence

Our managed marquee hire for Warwickshire Clothing at The North Somerset Show is part of a broader commitment to providing exceptional and consistent service across all events. This approach minimises the logistical burden on our client, allowing them to focus on showcasing their products and engaging with their audience.


The successful execution at The North Somerset Show was a testament to our dedication and expertise in marquee hire and installation. As we continue our partnership with Warwickshire Clothing, we remain dedicated to enhancing their event presence, ensuring that each setup is as successful and seamless as the last.

North Somerset Showground address:

Bathing Pond Fields, Wraxall, BS48 1NE

Call us today to discuss your marquee and event hire needs 01684 234267
